Resident Evil 7 – Demo Preview Waffle

Resident Evil 7 – Demo Preview Waffle

Well for a start this is just a teaser, it has been said that this isn’t even part of the full game, but if things continue the same then I would have binned off the “7” as people know Resident Evil well enough to know this is something new. It has clearly been made with VR in mind and I can say that the graphics are REALLY impressive. You play through the eyes of the main protagonist and this is done with such an eye for detail it is a joy to behold; just walking into the wall your hand will go up against it as if you were just keeping your balance.

This says this is the first hour, I managed to do it in a fair bit less than that and I was very thorough. What I found was very promising. The atmosphere was incredible. At one point you find a video tape and play it, whilst watching this you are the camera man filming two guys who obviously have some sort of “Most Haunted” type TV show and they are doing a quick view of the house that you are currently trapped in. The really interesting thing about this is that you are in control of the camera as the camera man and it is easy to miss a vital clue as to how to escape your current predicament but you can re-watch the video and watch for things you may have missed. Cheap jump scares are not absent but are few enough to just keep the tension.

This does feel much more like a resident evil game of old, while playing you find a fuse box with a missing fuse for the stairs and a button that currently doesn’t do anything that is labelled stairs, so pretty obvious what is needed but more of the items and things that you would see in the first gen resi games. The only thing that was missing from the demo was any kind of combat which may well be critical to how well this game will actually play in its final form.

Although this played fine with the joypad and TV I am genuinely excited to play this in VR, although the extra rubber brown safety pants are a must for that!

I am not a fan of horror games and despite me getting a whiff of Until Dawn from this I think that anyone who can, should download the free demo and take the first steps into this new chapter of the resident evil story.

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About the author

Paul Ashton

Im Paul Ashton (Pash) I am 35, married with children so gaming is not always easy to squeeze in. I have been gaming since the Toshiba MSX in the early eighties, so 30+ years of gaming under my belt. I enjoy RPGs and dungeon crawlers amongst other things. Some of my favourites are Suikoden (PS1), Dark Souls 2 (PS3/4), R-Type (Various), Diablo III (PS3/4), Ace Combat 5 (PS2). I enjoy a good story so open world isn’t always for me, I would rather play a 25 hour game with a gripping, well told story, than a 60 hour snore-fest. I despise most forms of online gaming, for me gaming should be an experience, not just trying to prove I’m better than everyone else.